

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy my site. I love reading about and researching vintage and rare guitars, especially the classics made in Japan back in the 60’s and 70’s.

I also enjoy learning about the gear that's bolted on to these guitars. One would be surprised to find out that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get that vintage sound found on 2000+ signature guitars.

Although some rare guitars may not be considered vintage by its purist definition, they can often be found with the same vintage parts that make the classics sound like they do. Finding these rare guitars and identifying their parts brings me joy. 

This site is an archive of everything I’ve felt to be interesting and informative that I’ve come across over the years.

Please feel free to leave a comment about anything interesting you’ve come across. Better yet, check out my new forum.

Enjoy the site

1/18/2009 03:34:59 am

Hey man, nice site. I wish I had a place to display and work on guitars myself. Nice collection you have there.

1/18/2009 03:49:12 am

Thanks Bro! I plan to try and keep it updated as best I can. I'm new at this and still learning how to perform the updates.

1/24/2009 01:00:39 pm

Cool, both .net and .ca are working

1/26/2009 12:02:27 pm

The new Forum is now up and running!!
Check it out, let me know what you think

1/26/2009 01:30:11 pm

My Guitar News is now online

These are RSS Feeds pulling in the latest news on everything guitar related around the globe. They change all the time, so visit often.

Pat & Brian
2/14/2009 10:25:32 pm

Hey Bro

WOW ~ May I have a key to your collection?? I am certain I could play Willie Nelson or Pink Floyd on any one of those babe's. Just holler and we'll come for a visit and entertain you with your equipment. Mind you, you might want to take inventory before we leave.

P & B

3/4/2009 01:24:59 pm

Wow this site rocks Bob. It's like a guitar universe. There are so many interactive places you have rolled together into one site it's fantastic!!

4/17/2009 09:02:56 pm

Hey bro,
Great job. Didn't realize you had such a collection happening. Love the pics of Dad at the end of your one spot.
Can't help but think of how much he would have enjoyed all this with you!!


8/1/2010 04:21:19 pm

Aw, this was a really quality post. In theory I'd like to write like this too - taking time and real effort to make a good article... but what can I say... I procrastinate alot and never seem to get something done.

12/14/2010 02:17:42 pm

Guitar is my most favourite instrument.The sounds produced by that is really very distinct and it makes me to play it again and again.These informations are really very helpful for me since i am planning to buy a guitar now.

<a href="">Monir Side</a>

2/26/2012 07:57:45 am

surer like bob guitars.

9/3/2012 06:16:31 pm

Good article bro

9/17/2016 07:45:28 am

Thanks for the info you provide. Funny coincidence-I have that exact same Granada Les Paul copy, and I also have the Vantage as a 12 string version.


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